Boulder Therapist for Men:

Supporting Men's Mental Health and Healing from Trauma

In my practice, DJBTherapy, I have had the privilege of helping many men in search of mental health therapy and healing. I’m a Licensed Professional Therapist, Licensed Addiction Therapist, and a Boulder therapist for men. I have many years of experience working extensively with men, and specialize in the unique needs of men’s mental health. 

I provide male clients with expert guidance in areas like men’s mental health and trauma therapy. Below, I’ll delve into the most common questions and motivations men have, and the benefits they receive from participating in therapy.

Boulder Therapy for Men

Questions Men Ask About Mental Health Therapy

1. How do I know if therapy is right for me?

Men frequently minimize their feelings in order to “push through.” This creates confusion when life gets hard and men don’t have the tools to maintain a healthy sense of self and connected relationships. Here are a few reasons men have started therapy with me: 

  • Survived an intense traumatic experience 

  • Going through a large life transition 

  • Frequently experience overwhelming feelings 

  • Have a strong dissatisfaction with life  

  • Feeling stuck

2. What Should I Expect During a Therapy Session?

A typical therapy session lasts 50 minutes. As a therapist for men in Boulder, our sessions can be online or in-person depending on where you live and your preferences. 

I use a mix of both talk therapy and action methods—techniques that help you move from your head into your body–to help you find your inner resources and accelerate your transformation. In the first few sessions we will: 

  • Identify values that are important to you 

  • Name obstacles that have been holding you back

  • Create therapy goals 

3. How Can I find the right men’s therapist for me?

Choosing the right therapist can be one of the more difficult aspects of the healing journey.  

Men often ask about the criteria for selecting a therapist, the importance of a good fit, and how to find a therapist who specializes in men's mental health or trauma therapy. 

I will share some short and fast answers to these questions: 

  • What criteria is important for choosing a therapist? 

    • Depth of experience with men’s mental health - Look for a therapist who has years of experience (ideally 5+) working with clients facing similar challenges.

    • Ongoing education and supervision - It’s critical to work with therapists who invest in ongoing professional development and level up their skills by working with and learning from other therapists.

    • Ongoing personal therapy - One of the questions I advise everyone to ask when interviewing a potential therapist is: Are you currently in therapy yourself?

  • How do I know it’s a good fit? 

    • Attend 4 appointments – Studies have shown the progress you make in the first 4 sessions will typically be the pace of progress moving forward.

    • Assess how you feel working with this person – Ask yourself the following questions:

      • Do you have clear goals you’re working toward together? 

      • Are your feelings and experiences being validated? 

      • Does this person hold you accountable? 

      • Are you being encouraged to try new strategies? 

  • How to find a therapist who specializes in men's mental health and trauma therapy for men? 

    • Use the filter option on a mental health therapy directory to search: 

      • Geographic area, e.g. Boulder, or Colorado if you are open to meeting online

      • Type of therapy, e.g. Men’s issues, trauma therapy, EMDR, Brainspotting etc.  

      • Topic of work, e.g. anxiety, PTSD, trauma, depression, addiction etc.

4. Is therapy just about talking, or are there practical solutions?

Therapy for men is most helpful when you approach it with a “both/and” mindset, rather than the black-and-white thinking of “either/or,” talking or solutions. As a therapist for men in Boulder, I use talk therapy, along with other action methods, to co-create a deeper understanding of self and practical solutions to help my clients transform.  

5. How long does it typically take to see progress in therapy?

Progress varies for each individual and topic of therapy. Some clients experience relief in the first session through simply showing up and sharing their story. For others, it can take several sessions to start to feel comfortable enough to approach harder topics and feel some movement. 

In general, it can take anywhere from 3-12 months to make significant progress on a specific goal.  

It’s helpful to remember that most life challenges manifest in your life slowly over a long period of time. Therefore, it takes time, consistent effort, and experimentation to make gains. Small incremental changes consistently applied over a period of time equals big change. 

6. What if I’m uncomfortable discussing certain topics or emotions?

A common false conception of trauma therapy is that you must tell your most painful life experience in the first session. 

You don’t run a marathon on the first day of marathon training. You run 3 miles, and start practicing self-care strategies in order to better sustain the effort over the next few months. The only time you run a marathon is on race day, and then you recover using the recovery strategies already practiced throughout the training period.

What really happens in trauma therapy is that we work on building emotional safety and self-care strategies to be applied between sessions to increase your sense of self-worth and nervous system regulation. 

Once your sense of self grows and you have developed some basic skills for regulating your nervous system, we begin to approach painful issues slowly and zero in on the most intense emotions when you have the skills to move through them effectively. We then use the self-care strategies to regulate the nervous system as you integrate what you’ve learned.

Why Men Seek Mental Health Therapy

  1. Improve Emotional Well-being

    Men are largely socialized to be stoic and push through difficult situations, often to the detriment of themselves and those they love. The problem with this is that men are human too, and have a full range of emotions. Many start  men’s mental health therapy in order to enhance their emotional intelligence, range of feeling, and emotional equanimity, and improve their relationships with themselves and others. 

  2. Overcome Trauma

    Past painful life experiences can negatively impact how our current life is being lived, and men are no exception. As a Boulder therapist for men, I help men address past traumas so they can live with a greater sense of freedom, connection, and resilience. 

  3. Navigate Life Transitions

Major life changes, such as career shifts, moving, parenthood, break-ups, and the loss of a loved one can be challenging to navigate. Therapy can support you in managing these transitions and making healthy adjustments.

4. Strengthen Relationships

Healthy relationships are the cornerstone of well-being. As Brene Brown said in her 2009 TED Talk, “we are hardwired for connection.” My goal as a therapist for men in Boulder, is to help you improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen connections in your personal and professional lives.

5. Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

Therapy can help you maximize your potential and achieve personal growth. I offer a structured environment to set and attain goals, develop new skills, and become a better version of yourself.

The Benefits Men Get from Therapy

  1. Enhanced Self-awareness

    You can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions through acknowledging and validating your feelings. This helps you make better choices and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

  2. Tools for Stress Management

    I help equip my clients with effective stress management techniques, allowing them to reduce tension and improve their access to spontaneity and creativity. This leads to a higher quality of life with more direction, purpose and fulfillment.

  3. Increased Resilience

    My clients develop greater emotional resilience, enabling them to face life's challenges in novel and connected ways. This strength and adaptability allows for greater confidence despite hardships. 

  4. Healing from Trauma

    Trauma therapy offers a path to healing from past painful life experiences. I provide a supportive space of trust and validation to process these experiences and work towards a purposeful and fulfilling future.

Men’s Therapy in Boulder

My therapy practice in Boulder is dedicated to supporting men's mental health and facilitating the journey toward healing from trauma. 

I understand the unique questions and concerns that men have about therapy and offer tailored solutions to address their specific needs. Whether you're unsure if therapy is right for you, you’re grappling with trauma, or simply seeking personal growth, I’m here to guide you on your path to a healthier, more fulfilling life. 

Contact me today to take the first step towards improved mental health and well-being.