Brainspotting Treatment and Therapy in Boulder

Brainspotting is a type of experiential therapy designed to help individuals overcome PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, and a wide range of emotional challenges. In this article, I’ll explain Brainspotting, what to expect during a typical Brainspotting session, and the various conditions it treats.

Boulder Brainspotting Therapy

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting therapy is rooted in the brain-body connection. It is a therapeutic technique developed by Dr. David Grand in 2003 that helps release trauma stuck in the body. 

It evolved out of his experiences of doing EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) with his clients to help them process and release traumatic experiences.  Both Brainspotting and EMDR are grounded in the understanding that our eyes can provide access to our brain and body, where trauma and emotional distress are stored. 

Similar to EMDR, Brainspotting uses bilateral stimulation of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. But unlike EMDR, instead of moving your eyes back and forth to create the bilateral stimulation, you use bilateral sound that alternates between your left and right ears. You do this while focusing your eyes on a “brainspot” connected to a painful memory or belief.

“Brainspots” are locations in a person’s field of vision that are connected with unprocessed trauma and emotional pain. By working with these spots through Brainspotting therapy, we can access and process deep-seated emotions and memories, creating resolution and healing.

Boulder Brainspotting Therapy

What to Expect in a Typical Brainspotting Session

Here's a breakdown of a typical Brainspotting session with me:

1. Introduction and Discussion

I’d begin by working with you to identify issues you’d like to work on or “target” in Brainspotting therapy, for example, anxiety around a salary negotiation or trauma from a car accident. We’d also determine your goals in processing through these targets. I’d then introduce the Brainspotting equipment, the method, and provide you an opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns. 

2. Equipment

Once we have established the therapeutic targets and discussed the method and theory, I will introduce the equipment:

  • Headphones

  • Pointer

  • Eye goggles 

The headphones provide a calming bilateral stimulation beat rotating from left to right ears with the backdrop of nature sounds. The pointer helps us locate and focus on the brainspot. Sometimes we may use the eye goggles to cover part of your field of vision if there are multiple brainspots and if you have a dominant eye.

3. Identifying the Brainspot

A brainspot is an eye position that activates thoughts, feelings, and sensations in your body related to the issue you want to work through, also known as the target. To help identify brainspots, I’ll ask you specific questions related to your target to cue up a related memory. Then, I would move the pointer across your field of vision and track your eye movements. In this process, you or I may notice points of activation related to your eye position or involuntary body movements, such as twitches, posture shifts, and other sudden movements. This helps us identify your brainspots.

4. Focused Eye Position

Once a brainspot is identified, I’ll guide you to maintain a focused eye position. This position is essential for processing the thoughts, feelings and physical sensations activated by the brainspot. 

Some Brainspotting protocols use two different but related brainspots. One brainspot is a low activation spot, and one is a high activation spot. I can then invite you to oscillate your eye position between the two spots based on your physiological response and comfort level. 

5. Processing and Release

As you maintain the focused eye position, I help you explore the emotions, memories, or physical sensations that arise. The bilateral stimulation through sound provides stability and grounding during the emotional release, and plays for the entire process. Throughout the process, I attune with you so I can move at a pace that feels safe for your nervous system. Brainspotting counseling allows you to share and release deeply rooted issues, providing emotional relief.

6. Integration

The session will conclude with integration. This is a time to reflect on your experience during the session and discuss any insights or emotions that surfaced. Integration provides an opportunity to regulate your nervous system and experience a window of calm before stepping back into the world at the end of the therapy session. 

7. Follow-Up

Follow-up sessions are often recommended to ensure continued progress. The frequency and duration of these sessions will depend on your unique needs and goals.

Conditions Brainspotting Helps With

Brainspotting therapy has gained recognition for its versatility in addressing a broad spectrum of psychological and emotional challenges. Here are some of the issues that Brainspotting can effectively assist with:

1. Trauma Recovery

Brainspotting is particularly effective in treating trauma and PTSD, helping people confront and process traumatic events that are impacting their mental health and well-being.

2. Anxiety and Stress

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the number one diagnosis in America in 2023. Brainspotting treatment helps people process the root causes of their anxiety and stress, offering a pathway to relief and relaxation.

3. Depression

The paralysis of depression can be a heavy burden, making everyday life feel like an uphill battle. Brainspotting counseling assists in uncovering the underlying factors contributing to depression, allowing people to work through their emotions and experience a brighter outlook on life.

4. Grief and Loss

The grieving process is unique to each person, and Brainspotting therapy can aid in navigating the complexities of grief and loss. The way Brainspotting treatment uses the bilateral stimulation of the brain provides a strong sense of grounding or resourcing for people to process their emotions and find closure.

5. Performance Enhancement

Many of David Grand’s clients during the creation of Brainspotting therapy were athletes, artists, and professionals seeking to enhance their performance. This therapy can unlock mental blocks and improve focus and confidence.

 6. Self-Esteem and Self-Identity

Brainspotting counseling helps people explore self-esteem issues and discover their true self and identity. The combination of stabilization and emotional release allows for individuals to clear away the emotional obstacles obscuring their authentic self. 

Unlocking the Power of Brainspotting in Boulder

I am excited to offer Brainspotting Therapy in Boulder. Brainspotting Treatment empowers individuals to address a wide array of mental health challenges. Whether you're grappling with trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, or self-esteem, Brainspotting offers a tailored and effective approach to healing and growth.

If you're ready to explore the transformative potential of Brainspotting therapy, contact me.  I’m a certified Brainspotting therapist. Experience the power of Brainspotting treatment and take a significant step towards feeling safe and at home in your body and your life.